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By Kevin Nunley
Just about everyone agrees. The Internet is a jungle these days. By the time you’ve tweaked your SEO, paid for your Adwords, and paid dearly for loads of backlinks — you’re out of time and too broke to run your business.
He’s a powerful alternative: Send your own press release to media. It’s free, you reach thousands of hot prospects, and media need your story right now.
* Radio stations have thousands of listeners in every community.
* TV news operations not only reach huge audiences on broadcast TV and cable, they have intense traffic to their news laden websites.
* Newspapers are still the lions of news information in cities and small towns. These days they have reduced staffs and super tight budgets. Many newspapers are using far more press releases than ever. Releases are cost effective and keep their papers filled with news.
* News services like Associated Press and Reuters have top-notch reporters who are always looking for interesting news.
* Internet news sites like Yahoo and Google not only reach audiences, but are also read by reporters.
* Search engine experts say sending out a press release and getting it on news sites is terrific for your search engine positioning.
Here is the formula used to write a professional press release. Write and format your release with these tips to show media editors you are professional and worthy of their time (You would be surprised how many blatant ads and sales letters editors get. They are deleted! You don’t want to be one of them.)
1) Give your press release a headline that provides the basics of your story.
“Smith Company Releases New ‘Power Option’ to Save Home Owners’ Money and Increase Summer Comfort”
The headline names the company and tells why this story could be important to media audiences. I’ve also included the word NEW. Lots of press release distribution services will only send releases that announce something NEW.
2) Tell the main aspects of your story in the very first sentence of the press release body. This is called your “lead” in the news business.
“This week Smith Company of Canton, OH announced the release of Power Option, long awaited by homeowners nationwide. Power Option cuts electric and natural gas consumption by 30 percent, making the new technology of intense interest in the Green Movement.”
3) Next, tell your story in inverted pyramid form. That means you put your most important details first, leaving less important details for the end of the release.
4) Write your release in third person. Keep the tone objective. Give yourself a few quotes to allow a more subjective and enthusiastic voice.
“We are overwhelmed by the response to Power Option. We sold 49,000 units in the first week,” said Joe Jones, founder of Smith Company.
5) Include your website address in the press release. Put your contact information at the end of the release so reporters can reach you for further information.
There are many examples of press releases and release format on the Net. Just about any will work. There is no ONE right way to format a release.
I worked on-air in TV and radio for many years. We had huge audiences and regularly gave businesses free publicity in exchange for good information or an engaging story.
Today when media organizations are being squeezed by the economy, they are relying on press releases more than ever. Create YOUR release to give your business a fast boost.
About the Author: Kevin Nunley has written powerful press releases for thousands of businesses of every type. See his how-to articles and press release writing and distribution deals at
. Reach Kevin at kevin@drnunley.com.
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