- Here’s An Opinion On:
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By Janne Smith
With its idyllic beaches and perfect weather, Hedonism Jamaica was just made for sexy fun and frolics. As a self-indulgent resort dedicated solely to the pursuit of pleasure it’s not hard to see why the regulars keep returning year after year. However, Hedonism Jamaica also attracts its fair share of swinging virgins! After all, if you’ve just convinced your partner to sample swinging for the first time, where better to take them than the Caribbean. As first time swingers you should be aware that there are some rules that all sexy swingers must follow. So stick to these rules and ensure you have fun:
Arrive on Time
If a sexy couple, or two, have invited you to try out the glass-bottom Jacuzzi at Hedonism Jamaica then it’s only polite to arrive on time. In the swinging lifestyle, late is never fashionable.
Arrive as a Couple and Leave as a Couple
It is frowned upon by swingers when a partner, usually the woman, departs and leaves her mate as a single.
Casual Clothes Are Best
You don’t have to wear clothes on the nude side of Hedonism Jamaica, but if you do then ensure that they can be removed easily. A sexy negligee is ideal, but women should keep jewellery at a minimum as if it goes missing it’s embarrassing for the last couple you’ve been romping with.
Keep Things Clean
This rule is all about personal hygiene, not the way you behave because at Hedonism Jamaica you can be as dirty as you like (mutual consent permitting of course). What you do need to do is take care of your body and ensure that you shower between swinging sessions. Also make sure that chewing gum, breath mints and deodorant feature on your holiday packing list
Be Positive
It’s almost impossible to be negative when you’re enjoying fun and frolics at Hedonism Jamaica, but remember that no one wants to swing with a misery guts. A smile and upbeat attitude will make you popular in the swinging community and is the only thing we insist you wear at Hedonism!
You Can Say No
Rejection is never easy, but it’s something that seasoned swingers have learnt to deal with. You don’t have to swing with a couple that you don’t want to, and they don’t have to swing with you. If you do want to turn down an invitation be tactful and courteous and if someone turns down your invitation don’t try and coax them into changing their minds – desperation is never sexy.
Don’t Ruin Other People’s Enjoyment
This rule is fairly obvious but if a group are getting intimate in the corner of a room, then don’t ruin the experience for them with excessive talking; they don’t need a commentary. Hedonism Jamaica has plenty of bars and social areas for you to catch up with like-minded friends, but an orgy room is never an appropriate place for a good old natter.
Don’t Cruise
Walking into various rooms, pulling back the curtains, switching on the lights and going into private areas as a ‘stag’ are all major breaches of swinging etiquette. At Hedonism Jamaica you may find that some couples are more than happy for you to watch in on the action so try to pick one room and stick to it.
About the Author: Jane Smith is the Product Director of EXcapes Holidays, a specialist provider of lifestyle holidays to
Hedonism Jamaica
and many other luxury lifestyle resorts worldwide. Our range of holidays is unmatched by any other British Tour Operator.
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