Wednesday, January 27, 2016 On Sunday, Manchester United announced the loan of their Spanish goalkeeper Víctor Valdés to Belgian club Standard Liège for the rest of the season. Last year, Valdés signed an 18-month contract with the English club, but the three-time UEFA Champions League winner was given very little opportunity at Old Trafford. He…
StarOffice 8 launched
Tuesday, September 27, 2005 Sun Microsystems has released StarOffice 8 today. StarOffice 8 is a commercial office suite that includes word-processing, spreadsheet, presentation, drawing and database applications. According to Sun, StarOffice 8 “provides excellent compatibility with Microsoft Office”. This new version improves Word, Excel and PowerPoint import and export filters, improving support for password-protected Word…
Use A Press Release To Grab Thousands Of New Customers
Here’s An Opinion On: It Procurement Consultants Ca By Kevin Nunley Just about everyone agrees. The Internet is a jungle these days. By the time you’ve tweaked your SEO, paid for your Adwords, and paid dearly for loads of backlinks — you’re out of time and too broke to run your business. He’s a powerful…
Suspicions of nepotism arise from pulping of new Australian industrial relations information booklets
Tuesday, November 8, 2005 Wikinews Australia has in-depth coverage of this issue: Australian industrial relations legislation, 2005 The Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard, was asked in parliament today about the contract to print the new industrial relations legislation booklets. Kelvin Thomson asked the question because the contract was awarded to Salmat Ltd., who has…
Contents 1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 12 December [edit] Retrieved from “”
Man dies in North Uist, Outer Hebrides after being hit by car
Monday, June 10, 2013 A man has died as the result of a road traffic collision on the Outer Hebrides island of North Uist. The accident, to which members of the police and ambulance services were called at around 01:46 BST (0046 UTC) yesterday, happened on the A865 road between the villages of Carinish and…
Cockapoo Training: Training The Older Dog
Here’s An Opinion On: Grass Potty Patch For Dogs Almost everybody have heard the saying, “You can’t teach old dog new tricks”. As such, many believe that older dogs are indeed unable to grasp new lessons taught to them. This could possibly be true in some cases but what is true to the other doesn’t…
U.S. Congress passes CAFTA with 2 vote House margin
Thursday, July 28, 2005 The U.S. House of Representatives approved the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) early morning Thursday, with a narrow vote of 217 in favor, 215 against. Voting was held open for an hour, 45 minutes past the House’s 15-minute voting rule as the President along with other supporters lobbied into the…
Southern Ocean whale slaughter to resume
Tuesday, January 3, 2006 The international environmental organisation, Greenpeace, have been shadowing a Japanese whaling fleet currently operating in the Southern Ocean in Australian Antarctic Territory. They claim a minor victory against the six-vessel fleet, saying no whales have been killed since Christmas Eve. However they expect a resumption of whaling and protest activity soon….
Acquiring Coverage For Your Business Through A Local Insurance Company In Suffolk County, Ny
Here’s An Opinion On: Financial Planner Fee In Sydney byadmin In New York, it is vital for all business owners to acquire coverage to protect their property. The coverage available to them can protect them against the unforeseen and prevent them from experiencing a major financial loss. For some businesses, a serious loss could lead…