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By Greg Garner
You may have tried your share of diets, exercise machines, supplements and pills to help you lose weight. So many people have a constant struggle and battle with food. This is because the underlying problem is not just exercise and healthy eating. It goes much further than that to the psychological state of the individual. Why do you think we call certain foods ‘comfort foods’? These are used as a replacement for genuine methods to restore a sense of emotional balance within.
The person who reaches for a pack of jelly filled donuts after a stressful day of work is doing the same thing by principle as the person who reaches for heroin, alcohol, or cigarettes after a stressful day. The only difference is that the drug of choice for the heroin addict is illegal.
Overeating, especially eating unhealthy foods will end up killing an individual, just as cigarettes and illegal drugs can. If you have any doubt about this statement, simply visit your local hospital’s telemetry unit. You’ll meet all kinds of people who from years of eating unhealthy foods now have to face the consequences of heart disease, heart attacks, kidney failure, just to name a few.
So How Do You Eat More & Still Lose Weight?
It is possible to eat a lot more than you’re eating now, and still lose weight. This is because many natural fruits and vegetables are less calorie dense than chemically processed foods. In addition, they do not have all of the sugars, fats, salts, and grease that can greatly increase your calorie intake.
1. Substitute more fresh and raw fruits and vegetables in your meals. A bowl of raw broccoli will have approximately 100 calories and zero fats, as compared to a same bowl of macaroni and cheese, which will have approximately 700 to 900 calories and approximately 40 grams of fat.
2. Drink more water. Your body is made up of 75% water, and therefore water is vital for any health conscious life style.
3. Move more. Your body needs exercise. If you haven’t worked out in a long time, and you’re out of shape, start small. Walk for five minutes, at a pace you can comfortably handle. If you feel tired or in pain, stop immediately. Rest a few days and then start again. As you gain more stamina, you can gradually increase the time and the tempo.
4. Have fun. It’s important to find a way to completely relax and let go each day, even if it is just for fifteen or thirty minutes. Go into this with the attitude of playfulness, focused and constructive playfulness.
As you can see, the formula for being able to eat more and still lose weight is simple. The key is changing your taste buds so that you will not just tolerate healthy foods, but you will also actually enjoy the taste. That’s not always easy to do, especially in our culture, where we are constantly inundated with commercials prompting us to buy, buy, buy useless trinkets and eat, eat, eat toxic foods.
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