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By R. Neal
Commercial LED lighting creates a number of competitive advantages for to the contractor developing a proposal for a school, municipality, church, non-profit organization, corporate headquarters, or resort location. Regardless of fixture type, all commercial LED lights use less electricity than comparatively priced fluorescent fixtures. Because they are the most energy efficient lights in the world, commercial led lights are an excellent investment for any organization strapped with high power bills that needs to immediately begin reducing overhead. As the sophistication of led white light continues to evolve, commercial led lights have now worked their way into every major outdoor lighting application. New developments in diode technology allow light and color levels to be customized to the environment and directed with greater precision than metal halide and high-pressure sodium equivalents. This offers the added benefit of not only lower lighting costs, but also less light pollution.
RLLD Commercial Lighting works with lighting designers and commercial contractors from Coast to Coast as a multi-manufacturer distributor of commercial led lighting fixtures available for major outdoor lighting applications.
LED Street Lighting
Many cities across the US are experimenting with led streetlights. They are quickly discovering that these fixtures provide a much more controllable and efficient form of lighting than incandescent sources. LED street lights allow for more precise control of the light beam itself, making it possible to light streets and sidewalks without excess spill light creeping into yards and shining into windows. LED street lights can be shifted toward either the red or blue end of the spectrum in order to match different wavelengths of light to the different lighting requirements of specific times of day and night.
Commercial led streetlights could potentially reduce some municipal lighting costs as much as 50% in some cities and towns, and the lifespan of these fixtures (5 times longer than MH and HPS lamps), offers additional savings by minimizing maintenance and replacement costs.
LED Security Lighting
For organizations that want to create an environmentally friendly campus, commercial led security floodlights offer a light source free of greenhouse gases. Because they burn cooler than other security lights, they are also friendlier to trees, shrubs, and gardens. LED security lights last much longer than HPS and MH lamps, making them the most cost effective option for large university campuses and non-profit centers who must be Spartan in their maintenance budgets. Commercial led security lights are fully dimmable and feature instant on capability with no buzzing noises or annoying flicker. They are also are very difficult to vandalize.
As technology continues to improve lumens to watt efficiency, expect commercial led security lights to become brighter and even more energy efficient than ever, and expect them as well to offer even greater lighting control with almost zero glare and light pollution.
Architectural LED lighting
As more buildings ornate and eclectic architectural designs, the need increases for architectural lights to reflect the uniqueness of structural geometry in a highly customized fashion. LED commercial architectural lights can be obtained not only in power saving, low voltage fixture designs, but also in a full spectrum of special colors that can be combined to create entire lighting themes on building walls and rooftops
For organizations looking for exceptional sign lighting and architectural corporate branding, these led building lights offer both a cost savings and a versatility that no other architectural lighting fixture can deliver with as much variety and precision lighting control.
For connecting walkways, portable buildings, or high-profile outdoor break or entertainment areas, led commercial lights can also provide highly versatile, energy efficient, and pollution free general area lighting. They also work exceptionally well for outdoor country club lighting, where stray balls from nearby course ways can easily break incandescent or fluorescent fixtures. Municipal headquarters, civic centers, and large churches are additional examples of clients who can benefit from this highly customizable and cost effective form of general area lighting.
LED commercial landscape Lighting
Many corporations are approaching the current recession with a sense of cautious determination. They realize that certain investments have to be made, but at the same time, they will only invest in contractors who can predict within reason an estimated return on investment. LED commercial landscape lights offer not only the power saving features of solid state technology, but they also feature a full range of low voltage lighting options that can further reduce energy consumption to only 8% of what is used by incandescent equivalents. This super efficiency allows you to put a dollar amount in savings next to your line items and to win the contract in the most competitive bidding situations.
About the Author: rlldesign.com. For more information on Commercial LED Lighting and Energy Efficient Lights visit us online.
Source: isnare.com
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