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Clinical Signs and Treatment Options For Flea Bite Dermatitis in Dogs
Dr Jerry
Flea allergy, also referred to as flea dermatitis, is the most frequently found type of allergy identified in canines and is brought on by the bite of a flea. It\’s the primary cause of scratching in dogs, and it only takes the bite of one flea to induce an allergy on your pet\’s skin. Flea allergies may cause the pet to scratch for anywhere from a couple of hours to a few days and might take 3 to 7 days to appear after the first flea bite.
What Causes Flea Allergies?
Fleas are only found on a dog when they are feeding. Similar to a mosquito, fleas will bite the dog and suck out blood for nourishment. When fleas do this, they inject a trace quantity of saliva below the dog\’s skin that can have around fifteen various allergy causing substances. If your pet is sensitive to any one of the allergens which are injected by the flea, it will trigger an allergic response that causes the dog scratching and itching. Just about 50% of all canines will suffer through flea dermatitis, and although it is more frequently diagnosed in adult pets, pups can likewise become afflicted with flea allergies.
Diagnosis of Flea Allergies in Canines and Recognition of Its Signs
Dog owners normally don\’t realize that their dog has fleas owing to their really miniscule size and because of how challenging they often are to exterminate. What makes the diagnosis of flea allergies a lot more problematic is the fact that it just takes one flea to induce flea allergies and signs may not be seen for up to seven days after the flea bite happened. It doesn\’t take a flea infestation to bring on flea dermatitis in your pet. Symptoms of dermatitis often include extreme scratching and itching or chewing on the skin and fur, inflammation of the skin, roseolas, and skin reddening. Due to the incessant itching, loss of fur over the animal\’s torso, primarily near the region commencing in the halfway point of the back to the base of the tail and in the rear legs area, can also be a pretty sound indicator of flea dermatitis. A vet can also detect flea dermatitis in dogs using advanced skin and blood screens to search for specific allergy causing substances and to eliminate other conditions including bacterial, fungal and yeast infections.
Flea Treatment Begins With a Suitable Flea Control Plan
The initial phase of any productive type of flea treatment will involve getting rid of fleas on your dog and in the dog\’s nearby environment. Even if there is an impeccable flea control plan installed, it isn\’t uncommon for dog\’s to still experience an occasional bite from a flea. Canines which spend a good deal of time outdoors could be a tougher challenge.
Desensitization and Antihistamines as Flea Allergy Treatments
A veterinarian might propose using desensitization as a form of dog dermatitis treatment. This calls for giving the dog a shot with limited quantities of flea antigen over a certain time period, possibly even the rest of the animal\’s lifetime. This form of treatment is normally a success in nearly one half of the cases, and could get very expensive in the long run. Antihistamines and conventional medicines, like corticosteroids, are also commonly used by vets to address flea allergies in canines. These treatments can ordinarily offer relief for flea dermatitis; however, it has been found that there are adverse side effects that come with taking corticosteroids. In the long run, this type of treatment can do more harm than good.
All Natural Types of Treatment for Flea Dermatitis in Dogs
Due to the side effects associated with taking steroids, an increasing number of dog owners are turning to all natural remedies when attempting to combat flea dermatitis in canines. There are many all-natural ingredients found in these herbal treatments that are not only safe, but effective. German Chamomile has been utilized to soothe and clean the skin for many centuries. A few other herbs have also been found to aid in better overall skin health and contribute restoration and soothing benefits to the skin, and include Witchhazel, Marigold and Cleavers.
You can locate further information in regards to flea allergy treatment options by going to our
flea dermatitis in dogs
facts page. There is also more information about
getting rid of dog fleas
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