- Here’s An Opinion On:
- Jle Electrical
Submitted by: Gregory Elfrink
There is this big BRAIN virus passing around about doing online mlm. Everyone believes you should do it all online. There is bashing between this whole new school, old school paradigm. Little do people understand the truth though! I would like to clear up the myth of online mlm.
Even though I am a huge practitioner and user of internet marketing and technology itself, I am also totally for offline promotion. Did you know most of the gurus out there in this profession either have no downline whatsoever, or they have only a very small one?
Most of their money in their so-called online mlm is actually made through affiliates sales. As a famed author unknown to me now once said, You can either make money IN network marketing or ON network marketing .
Either way there is tons of money to be made obviously, otherwise these gurus wouldn t exist! You probably are looking to make some money inside your actual network marketing opportunity I am expecting. So how are we going to go about doing this? No worries, I will explain how do it and how to do it successfully (Unlike most who attempt at building their company this way).
Yet you probably also want to say proudly you have an online mlm. I feel you! That is how I felt, till I figured out the real secret to why my downline sucked. See I could generate all these leads, make these affiliates commissions, have positive cashflow and people signing up in my business, but I could never get anyone to duplicate what I was doing. All this stuff with article marketing, or squidooing or blogging like bananas.
I never understood why. I mean if something is SO powerful, why aren t they doing it too? Didn t they want to make money?
Well, here is the skinny.
Online mlm is simply too complicated for the average user to comprehend and succeed with. It literally is impossible to duplicate! That doesn t mean you can t use it, you surely can! Just realize it is one of many tools in your arsenal. There are other tools too, remember passing out dvds? Remember home parties? Cold calling? All of that?
Yeah, that.
That stuff people can actually DO and pretty easily too, even if they don t want to. But for those who desire change in their lives, they WILL do it. And because it is so simple, they can all duplicate it for the most part. Only by teaching these offline methods, or extremely dead dumb simple internet marketing techniques can an online mlm actually grow to a huge organization and downline.
So remember, keep it simple. At all costs, keep it simple. It will pay off HUGE in the end, trust me. You may do complicated stuff, but always teach simple stuff to your team, you will thank me with your growth. Always teach both the online and offline methodologies. If you do this, you will find yourself building a thriving online mlm (and offline!)
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